The Year in Review
With support from the California Arts Council(CAC) and Members like you, our Arts Education program continues to bring arts programming to our schools. The Arts Council is pleased to partner with Sierra-Plumas Joint Unified School District, Sierra Schools Foundation and Musica Sierra, to continue to provide music and art education in our schools including Musical Headwaters, Interactive Performance Music Assemblies, and music and art instruction. We continue to fund field trips to give our students a broad range of cultural opportunities.
We appreciate Poetry Out Loud coordinator, local poet Paul Guffin, who has been dedicated to bringing this national poetry recitation competition to our rural schools. He is currently making presentations in our schools for the 2024 competition. Our 2023 Sierra County Poetry Out Loud Champion was Mia Martinelli of Downieville School.
Executive Director, B.J. Jordan, has kept herself busy with advocacy work which has contributed to an across-the-state rise in arts funding and is pleased at the recent passage of Prop. 28 which will fund arts education in our schools. This advocacy has led to the hiring of a full-time Music Teacher, Owen McIntosh, in Loyalton schools. B.J. has successfully received funding from a variety of Federal, State, and Foundation resources and has been pleased to mentor our partner, Musica Sierra, who is now an individual CAC grant recipient.
Musical Headwaters from Musica Sierra was funded in partnership with the Arts Council and the CAC this year through the Impact Project program, bringing “Time for Three” world class music to the Sierra Valley.
The Sierra Valley Art & Ag Trail returned this year. It was a beautiful day with new and returning partners, venues, artists, and friends. The Sierra Valley Barn Quilt Trail, is always available for a driving tour. Check out the map and information on our website.
The Yuba Theatre hosted a variety of events and programs including student performance, music, film, and theatrical productions.
We would like to thank the Native Daughters of the Golden West who donated the new North Yuba River Hall to the Arts Council this year. We are already using the hall for a variety of cultural events and the Downieville Library will continue to operate in the building. Thanks to generous donations from our community and the Native Daughters, we have upgraded the floor and lighting in the historic building.
The Banff Mountain Film Festival has been revitalized by the return of our Road Warrior. It was wonderful to see the familiar faces of our loyal audience and enjoy travel, adventure, and environmental films from around the world.
The Arts Council participated as local administrator to the Upstate Creative Corps program from the CAC, regionally administrated by Eliza Tudor of Nevada County Arts Council. We had three recipients of the program: Marjorie Voorhees who will be doing a stained-glass window project for the new Musica Sierra performing arts center, Sierra County Land Trust, who will be doing a book “Sierra Buttes and the Lakes Basin” in collaboration with local artists, and Rita Hosking’s “Climate Country Radio” (music you may on the radio hear as you drive on Hwy. 49).
The Yuba Gallery including Vintage Gal had a wonderful year. A special thank you to all the artists and volunteers who worked to keep the gallery open. The gallery features arts and crafts made in Sierra County. Thank you to Bibi Green and Jeff Champlin, owners of the building, for generously allowing us to use the retail space at minimal cost.
Art & Music Sponsorship: The Art & Music Sponsorship program now includes individual artists and their projects and supports local non-profits and civic organizations. Apply early next year as funding is limited .
A big thank you goes out to members of the Board of the Sierra County Arts Council, who are all volunteers and who help to make arts programming a reality in our isolated rural communities.
Our mission is to bring together community and art. We have worked to fulfill this mission for over 40 years and with your help will continue to keep art and music alive in Sierra County for future generations.